Merry Christmas!!

This post is especially for a couple of aunties who live way to far away! Miss you! Here is my annual little look at the past year in pictures of my two little ones. They are growing up way to fast and I am amazed all the time by the things they say and do. I wish you could see them in action!
I hope you have a great Christmas!


U. Andy and A. Helen said…
Hey Monique, Rich, Matthew and Bryer...
Thanks for the awesome pix of the two amazing kids. We know you are all doing well and it's wonderful to see them just being themselves. We wish we could see all of you more often too. Hope you all have a great Christmas and we know you are getting excited about your new arrival in the New Year. Love to all, Aunt Helen and Uncle Andy XXXXX
aunty kim said…
Ahhh thanks Monique, you have beautiful kids, they have sure grown.....ok i was crying thru it. Tears of happiness for you and sadness that we dont live closer so we can join in some of their experiences, that will influence their lifes. You guys really need to visit soon or we need to seriously consider that trip to disneyworld. Love ya all.

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